DAAX Good Experience Design Award 2024 Trophy and Certificate


We received DAAX Good Experience Design Award 2024 in April 2024 from the Consortium of Augmented Experience Design Association established by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

On June 3, we gathered at the ACTANT office with members of the association to receive the trophy and certificate, and to discuss the reasons for the award and augmented experiences.

We heard that the academic and corporate members appreciated not only the novelty of CoMADO and the technical aspects of the tool, but also the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the new experience value created by using CoMADO and the development of the service.

I am always thinking about the importance of qualitative and the method of quantifying it so that anyone can understand it, and I was very happy to hear that the members of the academic and corporate members evaluated this point.

We will continue to implement technology in society while seeking ways to make it more accessible to people.